Type of Event:
Requirements ie. Hall/kitchen:
Date[s] of event:
Setting up date and time from/to:
Time [and date]for event to start:
Time [and date] for event to end including cleaning:
Estimated number of people attending:
Entertainment provided by:
Does the event include selling alcohol? If so you must provide a copy of the Temporary Event Notice prior to the event.
Where did you hear about the Hall?
Name of person responsible for the booking:
Organisation [if applicable]:
Address and postcode of the person making the booking:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Your bank details for return of deposit
Personal data provided will be stored and used solely by the village hall and will not be lent, hired, sold or used in any unauthorised way. Details can be modified or erased by the hirer on request. Your signature confirms your agreement with these terms.
Please return this form to Mrs J Black, Heightington Village Hall Management Committee, Moorfield House, Heightington, DY12 2XX. Cheques to be made payable to Trustees of Heightington Village Hall or through bank transfer to account number 80473081 Sort code 20-46-06. If using bank transfer The Hirer’s booking name and date of the event must be used as the reference.
I/we agree to comply with the letting conditions and licensing regulations and to be fully responsible for any damage done during the above period. I/we enclose the fee of £……………….. plus a deposit of £200 which will be returned provided that no damage or loss has been caused to the hall, nor complaints made to us about noise or disturbance during the period of hire.